Denture Repairs

Denture Repairs

Fast and efficient repair services to restore functionality and comfort for patients. Same days service available.

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Same day or Next Day Limited Rush Service please call

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Durable and precise Denture Frameworks

Our denture frames are designed for strength, stability, and a precise fit. They are designed for long-term durability and provide great support for partial dentures, assuring each patient’s comfort and reliability.

Overview of dental caries prevention.Woman at the dentist's chair during a dental procedure

Which material works best for you?

Signature Dentures

Aesthetic Milled Dentures

Which material works best for you?

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General Recommendations for Record Taking

  • Remind Patients to Bring Their Appliances: When arranging visits, make sure patients bring any current appliances (partial or complete dentures) to aid in establishing bite and vertical dimensions quickly.
  • Capturing Difficult Edentulous Areas: For difficult-to-scan areas, such as the lower arch, try taking a physical impression.
  • Proper Patient Positioning: For better fit and comfort, have the patient sit straight during impressions.
  • Muscle Relaxation Techniques: Do relaxation drills before taking impressions to guarantee a more natural and exact capture on improve impression accuracy, use a gentle body wash on a denture or wax bite rim.
  • Comprehensive Patient Photography: Take several patient photos—more visual data leads to better results.
  • Border Molding for Optimal Fit: If a denture or wax bite rim does not have enough extension, use heavy/medium body PVS impression material to border mold the device. Before making the final imprint, guide the patient through functional motions.


Digital denture lab


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